贵州省钢琴学会会员,仁怀市音乐家协会理事,仁怀市钢琴学会副会长,仁怀市考级办主任 Member of Guizhou Provincial Piano Society, director of Renhuai Musicians Association, vice president of Renhuai Piano Society, d
嘉峪关市小百灵音乐培训学校校长,甘肃省音协会员,嘉峪关市青联委员会理事 Principal of Xiaobailing Music Training School in Jiayuguan City, member of Gansu Provincial Music Association, director of Jiayuguan City Youth
国家一级演奏员,本溪市歌舞剧院小提琴首席,小提琴演奏硕士 National first-class performer, concertmaster of Benxi Song and Dance Theater, master's degree in violin performance
西北民族大学音乐学院硕士研究生,肖邦艺术学校创始人、校长 Master's student at the School of Music at Northwest University for Nationalities, founder and principal of Chopin Art School
许昌市音乐家协会理事 Director of Xuchang Musicians Association
中华儿童文化艺术促进会美育研学专业委员会副秘书长,广东美育专业委员会副会长 Deputy Secretary-General of the Aesthetic Education Research Committee of the China Children's Culture and Art Promotio
黑龙江一博科技有限公司董事长,牡丹江华彩艺校校长,牡丹江华彩琴行总经理 Chairman of Heilongjiang Yibo Technology Co., Ltd., principal of Mudanjiang Huacai Art School, general manager of Mudanjiang Huacai Piano Store
福建省青少年音乐教育协会理事 泉州市中职高级讲师学科带头人 泉州市钢琴学会理事 Director of Fujian Youth Music Education Association, Senior Lecturer of Quanzhou Vocational School, Director of Quanzhou Piano Society
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