
Our classic performances


2007-2009年,根据国内多数音乐学院对国际比赛规格的界定,至少要有5个以上国家的选手参赛、有当地媒体报道作为参考资料的赛事才能定位为国际比赛,当时每届比赛已有来自美国、瑞典、新加坡、韩国、中国、印度、俄罗斯、丹麦、马来西亚的选手参加,新加坡联合早报进行了报道,由此,多所音乐学院和艺术院校将中新国际音乐比赛认定为国际C类比赛并给予获奖选手表彰及现金奖励,其指导教师因此受到学校嘉奖并晋升职称。2009、2010年比赛的闭幕式音乐会在新加坡维多利亚剧院举行,由组委会邀请的来自世界各地的艺术家以及冠军选手的精彩演出为新加坡国民带来了一场视听盛宴。11-14年的闭幕式在可容纳1100名观众的新加坡理工大学音乐厅举行,中国“非常阮族”大型乐团和来自北京的少年宫民乐乐团在闭幕式上演出并获得巨大成功。尤其是2014年,组委会特邀世界著名男高音歌唱家范竞马先生偕同中国爱乐乐团首席陈允先生等众多音乐家,在比赛期间举行了“中国雅歌-诗意中国室内音乐会”,将音乐会规格提升到一个里程碑的高度。2015年起,著名音乐评论家苏立华先生开始担任比赛艺术策划总监,并举行关于音乐教育和学习的年度系列讲座。2016年,帕格尼尼小提琴比赛金奖获得者宁峰领衔琵琶演奏家兰维薇、青年钢琴家薛汀哲将精湛的技艺和高级的艺术带到了第10届中新国际音乐比赛的颁奖现场。从2017年起,比赛颁奖暨闭幕式音乐会启用新加坡最新、规格最高、可容纳5000人的超大剧场“星宇表演艺术中心”,世界级古典音乐巨星罗曼金(哈萨克斯坦)、米哈.塔尔(以色列)、保罗.维果德(德国)、艾思尔.崔(韩国)、周展(中国)、奥列格.夏洛夫(俄罗斯)携比赛冠军选手为大家奉献了一台规格极高的演出。同年,中新国际音乐比赛首张冠军选手CD专辑《We Are The Champions》(中文名《我们是冠军》)在全球发行。2018年的第12届颁奖音乐会上,来自圣彼得堡音乐学院的第13届柴可夫斯基比赛钢琴头奖得主米罗斯拉夫.库尔迪谢夫叹为观止的完整演奏了有号称“世界最难钢琴曲”之称的《彼得鲁什卡》全曲,海德堡合唱团艺术家、德国韩裔女高音歌唱家艾斯特崔,柴可夫斯基音乐学院交响乐团首席小提琴家格列勃.顿佐夫以及组委会主席奥列格.夏洛夫先生陆续为大家带来精彩绝伦的表演,音乐家们共同打造了一台在新加坡乃至全球古典音乐界都具有最高水准的音乐会,让在座的1600位观众流连忘返、惊叹不已。2019年的音乐会上演了中国音协主席叶小钢创作的作品《纳木错》,由米罗斯拉夫.库尔蒂谢夫演奏,叶小钢亲临现场指导,创造过多项世界纪录的中国古典吉他冠军徐宝教授也登台演奏,日本国宝级小提琴家、第13届柴可夫斯基国际音乐比赛小提琴冠军神尾真由子为大家演奏了精彩绝伦的《卡门幻想曲》,将颁奖音乐会规格再次推向新的高度。作为亚洲华语流行乐坛创作巨匠的黄韵仁先生,携手毕业于英格兰皇家音乐学院的钢琴家周韵女士,在2020年第14届颁奖音乐会上为大家带来“古典与流行”的碰撞,用古典和流行相结合的方式演绎了8首华人耳熟能详、由黄韵仁作曲、小寒作词的经典歌曲,全美手风琴锦标赛冠军、有20年英文教育经验的许林先生同时举行了《艺术学业及成长规划》主题讲堂。2024年第18届闭幕式音乐会上,在互联网拥有千万粉丝的青年钢琴家段俊结合古典与流行技法,为在座的2000名观众演绎了自己编曲的作品。
From 2007 to 2009, according to the definition of international competition specifications given by most music academies in China, a competition can only be international if there are contestants from more than five countries, and if there is local media coverage that can be used as reference materials. At the time, each competition had contestants from the United States, Sweden, Singapore, Korea, China, India, Russia, Denmark and Malaysia; also, the events were covered by the Singapore United Morning Post. Having fulfilled the requirements, its instructors were awarded by the school and promoted to professional titles. The closing concert of the 2009, 2010 competition was held at the Victoria Theatre, Singapore. The wonderful performances by artists and champions from all over the world invited by the Organizing Committee brought an audiovisual feast to Singaporeans. The 11-14 closing ceremony was held in the concert hall of the Singapore University of Technology, which has a capacity of 1100 people. The big Chinese "Feichang Ruanzu" orchestra and the children's palace folk orchestra from Beijing performed and achieved great success. Especially in 2014, the organizing committee invited the world famous tenor Fan Jingma and many other musicians, such as the chief of the Chinese philharmonic orchestra, to hold the "Chinese elegant song-poetic Chinese indoor concert" during the competition, raising the concert specification to a milestone height. Since 2015, Mr. Su Lihua, a prominent music critic, has been acting as director of competition art planning and has begun to hold annual lectures on music education and learning. In 2016, Concorso internazionale di violino "Niccolò Paganini" gold prize winner Ning Feng led pipa player Lan Weiwei, young pianist Xue Tingzhe brought the exquisite skills and advanced art to the 10th china new international music competition awards scene. Since 2017, the competition awards ceremony and closing concert have taken place in Singapore's newest and best super theater "The Star Performing Arts Centre "; world-class classical music superstar Roman King (Kazakhstan), Mikhal tal (Israel), Paul Weigold (Germany), Esther Choi (South Korea), Zhou Zhan (China), Oleg Sharov (Russia), along with the competition champion gave the audience a performance of high quality and standard. That same year, the album "We Are The Champions”, featuring the first prize winners of the Zhongsin International Music Competition was released worldwide. At the 12th awards ceremony and concert in 2018, Miroslav Kultyshev, second place winner of the 13th Tchaikovsky Piano Awards from the St. Petersburg Conservatory of Music, gave a stunning and complete performance of “Petrushka”, a piece famous for being the world's most difficult to play. Heidelberg choir artist, german Korean soprano Esther Choi, Tchaikovsky Academy of Music symphony orchestra chief violinist Gleb Dontsov, and chairman of the organizing committe Oleg Sharov brought to the crowd a co-created classical music concert of the highest standard in Singapore and the world, which left every single one of the 1,600 audience in awe.The 2019 concert featured the work of "Namuco" by Ye Xiaogang, chairman of the Chinese Musician’s Association. Miroslav Kultyshev played, Ye Xiaogang personally guided, and Professor Xu Bao who has made a great impact and is a Chinese classical guitar champion also played on the stage; Japan's national treasure violinists, the 13th Tchaikovsky international music competition violin champion Mayuko Kamio played for everyone "Carmen Fantasy ", taking the awards ceremony concert to an all new level. Mr. Huang Yunren, a master of Asian Chinese pop music, joined hands with Ms. Zhou Yun, a pianist from the Royal College of Music of England, to bring "classical and pop" to the 14th award concert in 2020. The theme of "Art and Growth Planning" was also held by Mr. Xu Lin, a champion of the all-American accordion competition and 20 years of English education. At the 18th closing ceremony concert in 2024, young pianist Duan Jun, who has tens of millions of fans on the Internet, combined classical and popular techniques to perform his own works for 2000 audience present.