科隆音乐学院、布鲁塞尔皇家音乐学院双硕士、双荣誉演奏家,中央音乐学院交响乐团打击乐演奏员 Double master's degree and double honorary performer from the Cologne Conservatory of Music and the Royal Conservator
小提琴演奏家,新加坡少儿交响乐团小提琴主任、首席 Violinist, violin director and concertmaster of Singapore Children's Symphony Orchestra
旅德青年钢琴家Young pianist living in Germany
越南钢琴演奏家,越南国家音乐学院钢琴系教授,越南 Polaris Art Music School 艺术总监。 Vietnamese pianist, professor of piano department at Vietnam National Conservatory of Music, artistic director of Vietnam Polaris Art Mu
国家一级演奏员,国家重大国事活动文艺演出小号首席,中国音协管乐学会理事 National first-level performer, principal trumpet in artistic performances at major national events, director of the Chinese Musicians Associati
国际IPPA钢琴协会会员,AAF协会A类赛事主理,曾任清华艺术中心考官 Member of the International IPPA Piano Association, host of AAF Association Class A competitions, and former examiner of Tsinghua Arts Center
中华儿童文化艺术促进会美育研学专业委员会秘书长,广东省文化学会副会长,广东美育专业委员会会长,广东省文化学会艺术团团长 Secretary General of the Aesthetic Education Research Professional Commi
青年大提琴演奏家,SEMIFUSA乐团团长兼创意总监,曾入围第26届金曲奖斩获最佳演奏乐团、最佳录音、最佳制作人三项大奖 Young cellist, leader and creative director of SEMIFUSA Orchestra, was nominated for the
中国管弦网青年艺术家,重庆梓萌文化创始人,四川管乐联合会会员,四川音乐学院管弦系学士 Young artist of China Orchestra Network, founder of Chongqing Zimeng Culture, member of Sichuan Wind Band Federation, Bache
天津市芒韵文化传播有限公司总经理,音乐经纪人,天津市全国音乐家协会考级点负责人 General manager of Tianjin Mangyun Culture Communication Co., Ltd., music agent, person in charge of the Tianjin National Musicians
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