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中新国际音乐比赛项目包括:钢琴、声乐、民乐、现代键盘器乐、弦乐、管乐、打击乐、音乐原创,比赛为推选&决赛制。平均每年有来自全世界近 20 个国家和地区, 1000 多名选手通过推选进入决赛, 20年来总计超过 1000000人次参加了入围推选,其中超过 20000名选手参加了决赛,是亚洲最具规模和影响力的音乐赛事之一。比赛期间组委会还将在新加坡具有文化地标性的音乐场馆举行世界顶级艺术家音乐会及学术讲座。每年代表中国入围决赛的有数百名来自全国 11 所音乐学院、各类大学艺术院系、优秀音乐教育机构的选手,他们都是从全国近 50000 人的推选当中脱颖而出的佼佼者。组委会在亚洲、欧洲、北美洲多个国家和地区设有入围推选点,参与承办的机构包括艺术院校、培训机构、大型琴行、文化公司、演出公司、音乐协会及业内知名专家。随着比赛影响力的提升,组委会对于比赛的准备、评委的安排以及艺术家的邀请都提出了更高的要求,并且在获奖选手的后续推广上继续加强力度,除了获得奖金外,组委会还会帮助他们举办国际性的巡回演出、录制发行出版物、推荐至世界顶级音乐学院留学,为帮助他们规划好学业和事业、提高他们的知名度创造更为实际的条件。
Zhongsin International Music Competition events include the following: piano, vocal music, folk instrumental music, modern keyboard instruments, stringed instruments, wind instruments, original composition and percussion. Competitions include two stages, preliminary recommendations and finals. On average, more than 1,000 contestants from nearly 20 countries and regions compete in the finals upon recommendation, and over the past 20 years, over 1,000,000 contestants have participated in the preliminaries, of which more than 20,000 made it to the finals. Our competition is one of the largest and most influential music events in Asia. During competitions, the Organizing Committee will also holds concerts and academic lectures given by the world's best artists at Singapore's cultural landmark music venues. Each year, hundreds of contestants representing China compete in the finals. They come from 11 colleges of music, from the art departments of various universities, and from excellent music training institutions; they are the best of the best who stand out from a national pool of 50000. The organizing committee has preliminary competition points in multiple countries and regions in Asia, Europe, and North America; organizers included art schools, training institutions, large piano companies, cultural companies, performance companies, music associations and renowned experts in the music industry. With the competition becoming increasingly influential, the organizing committee put forward higher requirements for the preparation of the competition, the arrangement of the judges and the invitation of the artists, and strengthened the promotion of the winners after the competition. In addition to the awards, the organizing committee will help the winners organize international tours, record and distribute publications, recommend them to the world's top music colleges for study, and create more practical conditions to help them plan their studies and careers and help their names to become more widely known.