
Our Artists

历届中新国际音乐比赛邀请到的艺术家包括:俄罗斯人民艺术家、圣彼得堡音乐学院钢琴系主任巴维尔.依果诺夫(Pavel Egorov)教授(已故);俄罗斯功勋艺术家、圣彼得堡音乐学院民乐系主任奥列格.夏洛夫(Oleg Sharov)教授;国际著名歌唱家范竞马先生;美国手风琴教师协会(ATG)会长、美国堪萨斯大学音乐学院琼·索玛斯(Joan C. Sommers)教授;世界著名小提琴家、帕格尼尼小提琴比赛冠军宁峰先生;中央音乐学院钢琴家卞萌教授;中央音乐学院民乐系主任李光华教授(已故);沈阳音乐学院现代音乐学院院长、电子管风琴演奏家庞渤教授;中央音乐学院琵琶演奏家兰维薇教授;新加坡爱乐乐团、中国爱乐乐团首席小提琴陈允先生;美国斯波坎交响乐团首席、著名华人小提琴演奏家许多博士;国际著名青年钢琴演奏家薛汀哲先生;德国汉诺威音乐、戏剧与媒体学院歌剧指挥系主任保罗.维果德(Paul Weigold)教授;以色列国宝级钢琴家米哈.塔尔(Mikha Tal)教授;中国最杰出的古筝演奏家之一周展教授;被欧洲媒体誉为“当代帕格尼尼”的小提琴演奏家罗曼.金(Roman Kim)先生;第13届柴可夫斯基音乐比赛钢琴头奖获得者米罗斯拉夫.库尔迪谢夫(Miroslav Kultyshev)先生;国际著名钢琴教育家郑大昕教授;中国著名女高音歌唱家、解放军艺术学院张妮教授;韩国顶级女高音歌唱家艾斯特.崔(Esther Choi)教授;莫斯科交响乐团首席小提琴家格列勃.顿佐夫(Gleb Dontsov)先生;柴可夫斯基音乐学院交响乐团首席小提琴家玛丽安娜.特尔特杨(Mariana Terteryan)女士;中国音乐家协会主席叶小钢教授;肖邦国际钢琴比赛评委会主席卡塔琳娜.波波娃(Katarzyna Popowa)教授;日本国宝级小提琴家、第13届柴科夫斯基国际音乐比赛小提琴冠军神尾真由子(Mayuko Kamio)女士;欧洲最杰出的声乐艺术指导之一安妮.香蓓(Anne Champert)教授;创造过多项世界纪录的中国古典吉他冠军徐宝教授;上海音乐学院大提琴演奏家陈卫平教授;中国首个流行手风琴世界冠军刘昭先生;音乐评论家苏立华先生;华语流行乐坛创作巨匠黄韵仁先生、小寒女士;新西兰手风琴演奏家、包揽手风琴世界杯古典组、流行组、电子手风琴组三项冠军的格瑞森.梅斯菲尔德(Grayson Masefield)先生;世界各大艺术节炙手可热的萨克斯管组合-The "Pai" saxophone quartet;全网粉丝超千万的中国青年钢琴家段俊等。他们不仅担任比赛评委,更为每一年的颁奖暨闭幕式音乐会带来精彩的表演。2024年第18届决赛共有40位来自世界各大音乐学院、艺术院校的教授和专家担任评委。

Artists who the Zhongsin International Music Competition have had the honor to invite include: People’s Artist of the Russian Federation Professor Pavel Egorov; Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Professor Oleg Sharov; world-famous tenor Mr. Fan Jingma; President of the Accordion Teacher’s Guild and Professor at the University of Missouri-Kansas City Conservatory of Music Joan C. Sommers; Dr. Bian Meng, pianist and professor at the China Central Conservatory of Music; Director of the Folk Music Program at China Central Conservatory of Music Professor Li Guanghua; electronic organist and Dean of the Modern Music Department of Shenyang Conservatory of Music, Professor Pang Bo; Chief violinist of the Singapore Philharmonic and the China Philharmonic, Professor Chen Yun; Chief violinist of the Spokane Symphony Music Orchestra and famous Chinese violinist Doctor Xu Duo; Sichuan Provincial Piano Association Vice President Professor Zheng Daxin; Shanghai Conservatory of Music Professor of Violoncello Dr. Chen Weiping; First Prize winner of the Concorso internazionale di violino "Niccolò Paganini" 2006 Mr. Ning Feng; one of the best pipa players in China today, Professor Lan Weiwei at the Central Conservatory of Music; world renowned Chinese pianist and composer Xue Tingzhe; Wurzburg Theatre and Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media vocal director and conductor, Paul Weigold; prized Israeli pianist Mikha Tal; outstanding Chinese zheng player Mr. Zhou Zhan; violinist Roman Kim, known as “modern-day Paganini”; pianist and second place winner of the 13th Tchaikovsky International Music Competition, Miroslav Kultyshev; Korean Mezzo-Soprano Esther Choi; Concertmaster of Moscow State Conservatory Orchestra, Gleb Dontsov; President of Chinese musicians association Ye Xiaogang; Jury Chairman of Chopin International Piano Competition Pro.Katarzyna Popowa; first place of the 13th Tchaikovsky International Music Competition Mayuko Kamio(violin) ; Professor Anne Champert, one of the most outstanding vocal instructors in Europe; Professor Xu Bao, the champion of Chinese classical guitar who has set many world records, Professor Xu Bao, associate professor of Sichuan Conservatory of music; Mr. Liu Zhao, the first Chinese World Champion of Virtuoso Entertainment Music for accordion; Chief violinist, Ms. Mariana Terteryan, Symphony Orchestra, Tchaikovsky Conservatory of music; Mr. Su Lihua, renowned music critic; Mr. Huang Yunren, Ms. Xiao Han, the creative giants of Asian pop music; Mr. Grayson Masefield, New Zealand accordion virtuoso, grand-slam world champions; The hottest saxophone combinations at major art festivals around the world- The "Pai" saxophone quartet; Chinese young pianist Duan Jun, who has millions of fans across the internet. They not only serve as judges, but also bring wonderful performances to the awards ceremony/closing concert. In 2024, 40 professors and experts from major conservatories of music and art schools world-wide served as judges.