北京乐筑文化创始人,国际美育艺术家协会秘书长 Founder of Beijing Lezhu Culture, Secretary General of the International Association of Aesthetic Artists
江西省歌舞剧院交响乐团大管首席,国家二级演奏员,江西省管乐协会理事 Chief bassoon of Jiangxi Provincial Song and Dance Theater Symphony Orchestra, national second-level performer, director of Jiangxi Provincial Wind Ba
广西民族管弦乐学会芦笙专业委员会、独弦琴专业委员会副会长,中国民族管弦乐学会笙专业委员会常务理事,南宁市艺术剧院演奏员 Vice president of the "Lusheng Professional Committee" and "Duxianqin Pr
男中音歌唱家,甘肃省音乐家协会会员,中国传统文化促进会青年歌唱家学术委员会会员 Baritone singer, member of Gansu Provincial Musicians Association, member of the Young Singers Academic Committee of the Chinese Tra
青年男中音歌唱家,太原市乐哈文化传媒有限公司董事长,山西省音乐家协会会员 Young baritone singer, chairman of Taiyuan Leha Culture Media Co., Ltd., member of Shanxi Musicians Association
南京浩扬乐器有限公司创始人 Founder of Nanjing Haoyang Musical Instruments Co., Ltd.
中国音乐家协会手风琴学会会员,福建省音乐家协会手风琴专业委员会副秘书长 Member of the Accordion Society of the Chinese Musicians Association, deputy secretary-general of the Accordion Professional Committee of the Fu
沈阳华乐盛汇文化活动策划有限公司总经理 General Manager of Shenyang Huale Shenghui Cultural Event Planning Co., Ltd.
北京乐筑文化创始人,国际美育艺术家协会秘书长 Founder of Beijing Lezhu Culture, Secretary General of the International Association of Aesthetic Artists
长春雅马哈乐器副总经理 Deputy General Manager of Changchun Yamaha Musical Instruments
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