Deputy Secretary-General of the Corps Musicians Association, Vice President of the Piano Professional Committee of the Corps Musicia
中国文化管理协会音乐艺术委员会理事,中国音乐家协会浙江分会会员,浙江省音乐家协会钢琴专业委员会理事Director of the Music and Art Committee of the China Cultural Management Association, member of the Zhej
Deputy Secretary General of the Aesthetic Education Research Professional Committee of the Chinese Children’s Culture and Art Promotion
呼和浩特赛罕区政协委员,民进呼和浩特市委会教育委员会副主任,呼和浩特市音乐家协会副秘书长Member of the CPPCC Saihan District, Hohhot, deputy director of the Education Committee of the Hohhot Municipal Committ